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Minutes of January 22, 2003

Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Board held on January 22, 2003, at 8:00 p.m., in the Town Offices.

                PRESENT:                ARNOLD COHEN, CHAIR
                                        JOEL TRAN, VICE CHAIR
                                        NADINE OSTROW, CLERK
                                        SAMUEL SOLOMON
                                        REGINA MANISCALCO


I.      Meeting called to order.  The Minutes of the January 8, 2003, were reviewed and accepted with corrections.




Corman’s Cleaners, Post Office Square.  After review, Mr. Solomon moved not to approve this application for signs for Corman’s Cleaners on the grounds that there are two signs shown, one on the building and one a freestanding sign on the premises.  Only one sign is allowed by the Town’s sign by-law.  Seconded by Ms. Maniscalco and unanimously voted.

                                                               Administrative Assistant

Minutes of Meeting                                  Page Two                       January 22, 2003


John Rhodes, the engineer for the project, as well as the applicants, Dorris and Ed Berger, were present to meet with the Board.

Mr. Rhodes gave a short presentation of this subdivision,  This was a preliminary plan.  The parcel consisted of 5.25 acres and the applicants lived in the residence on the corner of this property.  The property was being divided into two additional lots.  

The compliance plan:  
-the road ended in a cul-de-sec with a 50’ layout and a 65’ radius for the
     cul-de-sac with a planting island
-22’ pavement
-two sidewalks
-the Berger lot has been sized at 60,200 sq. ft (needs this size because
     it is in the wetlands protection district)
-the lots were sized at approximately 60,000 sq. ft.
-the retention basin is on a separate lot
-there is a water main with a hydrant at the end of the road
-two catch basins at the end with flow into a manhole which eventually
     goes into a water separator.
-per the Board’s request, the applicant has made a commitment to
     relocate the septic system on their lot outside of the 400’ well radius
     and bring it up to current standards.  

The waiver plan:
-would like not to build a full cul-de-sac; rather to build something less
     intense, with less pavement, more greenery.
-the street would remain private
-would provide a covenant indicating that no further subdivision of the
     property would be allowed
-layout the same as conventional plan
-14’ driveway to service the two lots
-no sidewalks
Minutes of Meeting                                  Page Three                    January22, 2003

                -no curbing
-hammerhead turn around at the end
-runoff to dissipate into the gutters spreading the runoff
-recharge area in the cul-de-sac
-lot one would be 80,000 sq. ft., lot two 74,300 sq. feet to allow four bedroom homes.

Mr. Rhodes indicated that the applicant would prefer to build this plan rather than the conventional.

Mr. Cohen said that he seemed to recall that the new homes would have no more than three bedroom houses.  Mr. Rhodes answered that with the drainage on a separate lot, the lots had to be smaller and would only support three bedrooms.

Mr. Solomon said that he had some issues with the waiver plan:
-the Board changed its Rules and Regulations to require the detention plan to be on a separate lot, never on the road right-of-way.  His preference would be to follow this requirement.
-14’ is too to narrow even as a driveway.
-not sure about the hammerhead; would like to have an opinion from the Fire Chief as the relative safety of this vs. a turn around.

Mr. Rhodes said that they had no problem with widening the road if that was what the Board desired, and they would obtain an opinion from the Fire Chief as to the hammerhead.  He suggested that one remedy for the detention basin not being on a separate lot was that you could create an easement on Lot 1 in the event that it would ever be needed to have a full road built.  Mr. Solomon answered that you would still not have the detention basin on a separate lot.

Mr. O’Cain inquired about the water on the waiver plan.  Mr. Rhodes said that it will be Town water with a 1-1 ½’ line, if no hydrant is required.  If the Fire Chief feels it is necessary for some kind of protection, they will run a 6” or 8” line up to a hydrant.

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Mr. Rhodes asked the Board if it would require full drainage calculations at the definitive stage, where this was such a small subdivision that only consisted of two lots.  Mr. Solomon answered that the general policy of the Board was to require full conformance at the definitive stage.  This gives the Board the necessary information to determine if the basins are sized correctly to contain the runoff.  

Mr. Cohen informed the applicant that this is a preliminary plan which is submitted to seek the Board’s guidance on how to proceed for the definitive plan.  Although this plan may be approved, that does not guarantee that the definitive subdivision will be approved.  There have been many preliminary plans that the Board has disapproved, but the definitive has been approved.   This stage is for guidance only.  

Mr. Solomon added that the Board has given feedback of its opinions on this plan.  The conformance plan has addressed many of the issues already raised by Mr. O’Cain.  The Board is not comfortable approving the waiver plan at this point, as too many issues on it are still outstanding.  Mr. Tran indicated that he agreed with Mr. Solomon.  But in the spirit of guidance, he would encourage the applicant to pursue the waiver plan.  It would still need some modifications but he would prefer less pavement area, especially since this is a water-sensitive area.

Ms. Maniscalco agreed that she too liked the waiver plan and what they are trying to do.  But she is uncertain of what the Fire Chief will recommend regarding the safety issues.  She was still unclear as to what the Board’s final recommendation was regarding the drainage basin.  She did like the idea of less pavement in the subdivision.

Ms. Ostrow said that being the newest member of the Board, and this being her first subdivision review, she pretty much agrees with the comments the other Board members have made.

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Mr. O’Cain raised a further issue.  If the detention basin is built at the end of the driveway as shown on the waiver plan, it has an inherent flaw – when snow plowing is done, the snow will be plowed into the basin and that is why it should be on a separate lot.  Engineering would prefer to have it on a separate lot.  By the Town’s regulations, the applicant would not need to retain the 100-year storm, which in turn would allow a smaller basin.  He would also like to receive the Conservation Commission’s feedback on the waiver plan.  Mr. O’Cain also requested that Mr. Rhodes try to predict where the houses will be set on the waiver plan.

Mr. Cohen wanted to reiterate for guidance purposes what the Board was looking for at the definitive stage:
-a wider width for the street
-Fire Chief’s opinions on street width, hammerhead, hydrant
-detention basin on a separate lot
-full drainage calculations
-under the compliance plan, only three bedroom homes would be allowed on these lots.  He has a concern about the waiver plan allowing larger lots and thus an additional bedroom.  The Board is concerned about setting a precedent on this issue.  He is inclined to give the applicant some slack where it is only a two-lot subdivision, but would need to get the Town Counsel’s opinion on this to see if it is legal.

Mr. Cohen further added that the Board appreciated the applicant’s consent to put in a new septic system.  

Mr. Solomon moved to approve the compliance plan for the Pine Grove Estates subdivision as presented at tonight’s meeting, originally filed on November 21, 2002, and as revised through January 10, 2003.  Seconded by Ms. Maniscalco and unanimously voted.
Minutes of Meeting                                  Page Six                        January 22, 2003

·       The Board was presented with a request for street acceptances.  The public hearing for this will be set for March 19.
·       Dr. Heinberg was again presenting a request for a zoning change regarding parking in the professional district.  This seemed to be a repeat of last year’s change, which was defeated at Town Meeting.  Once an article is defeated, it cannot again be brought to Town Meeting for two years.  That would negate this request.  Town Counsel was to be consulted on this issue.  If the article could be brought, the public hearing for it was to be scheduled for March 5.
·       SURETIES:
o       Layton Estates (Fales Road)  -  This street was already accepted by Town Meeting last year (5/02).  Therefore, Mr. O’Cain was recommending that the surety be released in its entirety from $4,000 to $0.  So moved by Mr. Solomon, seconded by Mr. Tran and unanimously voted.
o       Mink Trap Estates – All work being complete, per Mr. O’Cain’s memorandum to the Board, Mr. Solomon moved to reduce this surety in its entirety from $8,100 to $0.  Seconded by Mr. Tran and unanimously voted.
o       Autumn Trails – This street was accepted in 2000.  Mr. Solomon moved, per Mr. O’Cain’s memorandum to the Board, to reduce this surety in its entirety from $1,800 to $0.  Seconded by Mr. Tran and unanimously voted.

·       Mr. Tran suggested that the Board consider rezoning the entire block of North Main Street running from Cobb’s Corner to Nasir Ahmed Way as a commercial/professional zone.  The Board concurred that this could be a good move and suggested that maps be sent to the Selectmen and other Town Boards to get their input on this as well as the Gobbi lots.

IV.     There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.